The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees, shall see that orders and resolutions of the Board are carried out, shall sign all leases, mortgages, deeds and other written instruments, shall co-sign all promissory notes, and shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees of the Association.
The Vice President shall act in the place and stead of the president in the event of his absence, inability or refusal to act, and shall exercise and discharge such other duties as may be required of him by the Board. The Vice President will also serve as a back-up to the Tree Warden.
The Secretary shall record the votes and keep the minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the Association, Board, and of its members; keep the corporate seal of the Association and affix it on all paper requiring said seal; shall serve notice of meetings of the Board and of the members; shall keep appropriate current records showing the members of the Association, together with their addresses, and shall perform such other duties as required by the Board. The Secretary shall mail minutes of meetings to each member, postage prepaid, addressed to the member’s address last appearing on the books of the Association or supplied by each member for the purpose within 30 days after the meeting.
Members at Large are responsible for attending Board of Trustee meetings and contributing their input into discussions and on Board votes. All Board members should be open to discussions with Association members to gain a better understanding of the Associations thoughts and concerns. Members at Large may be asked to be part of special Association committees created to address certain issues.
Nomination for election to the Board of Trustees shall be made by a nominating committee. The chairman of the nominating committee shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees. The chairman, who shall be a current member of the Board of Trustees, shall appoint three other members who shall not be current members of the Board of Trustees. The committee shall be appointed prior to each annual meeting of the Association and shall serve from the close of said annual meeting until the close of the next annual meeting. The names of the members of the committee shall be announced at each annual meeting. The nominating committee shall make as many nominations for election to the Board of Trustees as it shall, in its discretion, deem appropriate but not less than the number of positions to be filled.
The Clubhouse Coordinator will organize the Clubhouse to facilitate a variety of recreational uses by the Members and will post a sign-up sheet for volunteers to perform the “Family of the Week” security check during June, July, and August. The Chair may designate a subcommittee that would be responsible for coordinating youth activities at the Clubhouse or waterfront and maintaining toys, games, and sports equipment appropriate for younger members. The Clubhouse coordinator will maintain and allocate lockers and keys to the Members. The Chair will act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Trustees.
The Audit Committee is responsible for the annual examination of the Association books and records. The Committee should ensure that income and expenses are properly recorded and supported by vouchers and that accounting statements developed by the Treasurer accurately reflect the status of the Association. The Chairperson of the Audit Committee will be appointed by the President of the Board of Trustees and will report directly to the Association Membership at the Annual Meeting. The Committee will act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Trustees and make recommendations to improve the record-keeping system or financial controls as appropriate
The Treasurer shall receive and deposit in appropriate bank accounts all monies of the Association and shall disburse such funds as directed by resolution of the Board of Trustees; shall sign all checks and promissory notes of the Association and obtain co-signatures on all checks over an amount to be determined periodically by the Board of Trustees of the Oakledge Association from any other officer of the Association; shall keep proper books of account; cause an annual examination of the Association books to be made by an Audit Committee comprised of Members of the Association selected by the Board of Trustees at the completion of each fiscal year; and shall present an annual budget and statement of income and expenses for the regular annual meeting and deliver a copy of each to the members and shall perform such other duties as required by the Board. The Treasurer shall instruct, supervise, and evaluate the performance of any bookkeeper hired by the Association.