Annual Meeting 2021- Updated

Updated Information with Zoom Info:

We are looking forward to the annual meeting on Saturday.  
Due to the recent rise in Covid cases and, in particular, the more contagious Delta variant, the board met and is asking the following:

1. There will be a limit of 1 person per household in order to control the number of people inside the clubhouse.  The only exceptions to this will be Peg & Mark, Linda & Jim and John & Elizabeth due to the roles they play and the fact that each needs to speak at the meeting.

2. All in-person attendees must wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose.  If you forget, we will have masks on hand for you.

3. For those who do not feel comfortable attending or are the second in a household, we will be setting up a zoom for you to participate.  The zoom information will be sent out to the community later this week.  We have tested the audio and believe that it will work very well.

4. Voting: As is the case in all other years, if you are not attending the meeting, please plan on providing your proxy.  If you are attending the meeting via zoom and that is the only means your household will be represented, the board voted to allow a vote by email during the meeting.  Your votes can be emailed to  Email voting will commence and end at the same time the in person voting does.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we navigate the new information regarding Covid and aim to keep everyone in our community safe.

Should you have any questions, please reach out to Marcia Metz (

The Oakledge Board

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Password: 208171

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Meeting ID: 915 5913 2870

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Original Message:

To all in the community:

We are very much looking forward to this year’s annual meeting, which we are planning to hold at the clubhouse. We will continue to monitor the situation with Covid and adjust accordingly as needed.

We are voting on several items at the annual meeting this year. Most notable are several large projects and an increase in our assessment. The board wanted to provide some context to accompany the packet and in advance of the annual meeting.

We are recommending an increase in our assessment to $3,200. Our assessment has remained low and only modestly increased in the last few years and we are now at a point where we have several significant capital projects (roads, clubhouse and on the horizon the deck replacement) and need to ensure that we remain financially sound as we invest in maintaining and improving our community.

John Golden will be holding a LRP (Long Range Plan) info session on July 10th at 10:30AM in the clubhouse to provide more detail prior to the annual meeting. We would encourage you to attend as it will provide more context to these large projects and major improvements.

We look forward to seeing you all at the meeting. For those who can’t attend, please ensure that you submit your proxy so your vote can be counted.

Please see the attached documents. The documents can also be found by going to Association \ Annual Meeting on the website. Please note that you will be provided with a valid ballot when you register at the meeting.


The Board of Directors